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GIGANTIC: RAMPAGE EDITION is a premium and definitive release of the original 5v5 MOBA Hero Shooter, GIGANTIC, that provides a dynamic and exciting team-based multiplayer experience for fans of both genres. Choose from a diverse roster of unique heroes, each with a set of upgradeable abilities, and team up with four other players to control objectives and take down the opposing team’s mighty Guardian, all while protecting your own.

Features everything from the original gigantic and more!

EXCITING ROSTER OF HEROES — 23 returning heroes and 2 new heroes (ROLAND and KAJIR), all with a unique set of offensive and defensive capabilities, including ultimates!

EXPANSIVE MAPS — Includes original maps and two new maps, PICARO BAY and HEAVEN’S WARD

Game Modes

RUSH — A new game mode that is more accessible, fast-paced and action-packed for all players
CLASH — The original game mode players from the classic version of GIGANTIC is back
CUSTOM — Create your own exciting matches where you can pick a map and compete against friends

Cross platform play between consoles and pc

Team up and jump into epic matches with friends across multiple platforms

Customization and hero progression

Make your favorite GIGANTIC hero your own! Build and customize individual hero loadouts

Free post launch content

Following the launch of RAMPAGE EDITION, a Ranked Mode and new hero skins will be released for free via updates

Select Your Hero

Select Your Hero

21 wildly diverse and visually stunning Heroes, representing not just classic roles but every major type of gameplay.


Buffs self and allies

Zandora had the look of an Eternal but walked among mortals.

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